Diana Harold
Diana's early background was in art and design. She spent 10 years as a successful freelance graphic designer working on designs for clients as wide as watch companies, magazines and Blue Chip companies.
In her early 30's, she started a deeply personal journey to find more meaning in life. Her childhood interest in contemporary dance led her to study movement in the form of yoga in India in 2001.
In 2004 Diana did an advanced yoga teacher training, with Donna Farhi in Canada, while still living in the UK. Donna was developing her teaching by incorporating Body-Mind Centering® principles and yoga. This is where she first met the BMC® world. With all the new experiences she soon realized how much more there was to know. She then chose to work with, Vanda Scaravelli's long time student, Diane Long. Understanding the nature of ease of movement through grounding.
Having had the privilege to experience 10 years of learning and teaching yoga to classes with babies, children and adults, and reflecting on the deep mystery between movement, emotion and thoughts, the Body-Mind connection. She continued to explore and deepen her own practices,
With her daughter's birth in 2005, new questions and curiosities arose about early movements and milestones. This led her to want to learn more.
She studied developmental movement patterns from conception to walking through the work of movement expert and OT Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen at The School for Body-Mind Centering. A deeper dive into Bonnie's transformational work brought an embodied sense of the human spirit's complexity. How early bonding and moving experiences shape us for life, this was both exciting, humbling and transformational.
In 2017, After having a series of ABM® NeuroMovement® lessons from Fiona McLagen, Diana wanted to deepen her understanding of the brain's role in movement and learning, So in 2018 began another huge dive into personal transformation by joining the ABMN® practitioner training.
Understanding and how the nervous system/brain organizes itself to reach a person's highest potential and experiencing varied and functional movement in a safe and loving way creates untold possibilities.
Diana personal growth has changed immeasurably. She still continues to study, grow and learn.
Diana also joins our team in the Behavioural Intervention Services category, working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, based on their unique Behavioural Plan of Intervention.